

The EPDIC Award for Young Scientists is assigned at each EPDIC Conference and honors outstanding scientific achievement by young scientists in the field of powder diffraction. The award winner is invited to present a plenary talk at the next European Powder Diffraction Conference. The award has a value of 1,000 Euro and is possible by generous sponsorship of Malvern Panalytical Ltd (Almelo, The Netherlands).

The EPDIC Committee of each EPDIC Conference decides who is the winner. Short proposals of candidates containing descriptions of the scientific contributions to be assessed should be addressed to any member of the EPDIC Committee who is asked to make names public within this committee. As a rule, an age limit of 35 applies to the candidates.

The call and the final date for submission of proposals are posted on the web page of each EPDIC Conference and taken up in the corresponding circular.

Recipients of the past EPDIC awards for young scientists:

Award recipientAwarded at
Maurizio Bellotto (CISE SpA, Milano, Italy)EPDIC-3, Vienna, 1994
Laszlo Petras (TU Wien, Austria)EPDIC-4, Chester, 1995
Malcom I. McMahon (Univ. Liverpool, UK)EPDIC-5, Parma, 1997
Robert E. Dinnebier (Univ. Bayreuth, Germany)EPDIC-6, Budapest, 1998
David Rafaja (Charles Univ. Prague, Czech Republic)EPDIC-7, Barcelona, 2000
Matteo Leoni (University of Trento, Italy)EPDIC-8, Uppsala, 2002
Vincent Favre-Nicolin (University of Geneva, Switzerland)EPDIC-9, Prague, 2004
Irene Margiolaki (ESRF), Grenoble, France)EPDIC-10, Geneva, 2006
Andrew L. Goodwin (University of Cambridge, UK)EPDIC-11, Warsaw, 2008
Pavol Juhas (Columbia University, New York, USA)EPDIC-12, Darmstadt,2010
Kenneth R. Beyerlein (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)EPDIC-13, Grenoble, 2012
Jan M. Hinterstein (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia)EPDIC-14, Aarhus, 2014
Kirsten M. O. Jensen (Univ. of Copenhaghen, Denmark)EPDIC-15, Bari, 2016
Stef Smeets (Stockholm Univ., Stockholm, SE)EPDIC-16, Edinburgh, 2018
Mark Senn (Univ. of Warwick, UK)EPDIC-17, Šibenik, 2022
Maxwell Terban (Max Planck, Germany)EPDIC-18, Padova, 2024

The EPDIC Award for Distinguished Powder Diffractionists was assigned for the first time during the EPDIC-11 Conference for outstanding results and/or continued, important contributions to the field of powder diffraction. The award winner is invited to present a plenary talk at the next European Powder Diffraction Conference. The award has a value of 1,000 Euro and is possible by generous sponsorship of Bruker AXS (Karlsruhe, Germany).

The EPDIC Committee of each EPDIC Conference decides who is the winner. Short proposals of candidates containing descriptions of the scientific contributions to be assessed should be addressed to any member of the EPDIC Committee who is asked to make names public within this committee.

The call and the final date for submission of proposals are posted on the web page of each EPDIC Conference and taken up in the correspondinding circular.

Recipients of the past EPDIC awards for distinguished powder diffractionists:

Award recipientAwarded at
Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal (ILL, Grenoble, France)EPDIC-11, Warsaw, 2008
Hugo M. Rietveld (The Netherlands)EPDIC-12, Darmstadt, 2010
Christian Baerlocher (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)EPDIC-13, Grenoble, 2012
Daniel Louer (Rennes, France)EPDIC-14, Aarhus, 2014
Carmelo Giacovazzo (IC-CNR, Bari, Italy)EPDIC-15, Bari, 2016
W.I.F. (Bill) David (Oxford, U.K.)EPDIC-16, Edinburgh, 2018
Simon J.L. Billinge (Columbia University, U.S.A.)EPDIC-17, Šibenik, 2022
Paulo Scardi (Trento University, Italy)EPDIC-18, Padova, 2024